The Pushup/Pullup Challenge
The Pushup/Pull-up Challenge
Complete The Following Exercises Every Minute
10 Pushups
5 Pull-Ups
Keep Going To Failure
How To Do This Challenge:
This challenge seems easy, but the reps add up quickly. Here's the setup:
- Set a timer to beep every minute
- Hit start, and do 10 pushups, followed by 5 pull-ups
- You can rest/stretch the rest of the minute
- When the timer beeps again, do another 10/5
- Your time is up when you fail to complete the 10/5 before the minute is over
- So if the timer beeps for the next minute and you still haven't completed your pushups and pull-ups, that's how far you made it
GOAL: See if you can do this for 20 minutes straight!