5 Netflix Movies To Get You Motivated To Workout
Looking for something to watch on Netflix other than The Office? Here are a few movies that'll get you motivated to crush your next workout. I scolled through the almost unlimited titles to bring you a few different options. I tried to cover a wide range of categories, so there's a little bit of everything here for your viewing pleasure. Comment below any movies we should add to this list and we'll make a part 2!
Netflix Movies About Lifting: Part 1
Generation Iron 3
Follow along as bodybuilders come together from around the world to compete in the Mr. Olympia competition and try to achieve their goals of physical perfection. It's cool seeing the build-up to the biggest bodybuilding event of the year!
Ronnie Coleman The King
Warning: you'll want to scream YEAHHH BUDDDY and LIGHT WEIGHTTT BABBBBY after watching this.
Ronnie Coleman The King focuses on his life after bodybuilding. The documentary is worth watching and shows the drive of the man who became one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. It shows what he sacrificed and how he copes with his condition.
Fittest In Dubai
Crossfit gets too much hate in my humble opinion. It's awesome how these pros are able to balance endurance, strength, and power to perform at the levels they do. This documentary shows the first sanctioned Crossfit event. Will this make you want to do 1,000 burpees and run 10 miles when you're done? Possibly.
Eddie Strongman
As I write this, Eddie Hall is training to fight Thor in September 2021 (Google it if you want to learn more).
But this documentary follows British strongman Eddie Hall as he trains to be the strongest man in the world. This documentary reveals the grueling life choices that fuel his obsession.
The Game Changers
I'm a carnivore, and I don't think that will ever change. But I enjoyed seeing the other side's opinion, and hearing the debate on the vegan vs carnivore lifestyle. This movie, which stirred up a lot of controversy when it was released, focuses on plant-based eating, protein, and strength.
Help us build our next "must watch" Netflix list by commenting a workout/diet/gym related documentary below!